This week finds us drenched in the fruits of the Holy Spirit as our two youngest girls, Reghan and Camryn, received the sacrament of Confirmation on Sunday. They both chose an older sibling as their sponsor, so it truly was a family affair. We are so grateful Reece and Kara made the trip home to be present for their sisters. Our Bishop tied the gospel passage (Luke 24:13-35) to Confirmation so beautifully. He related that on this journey of life, Christ is always walking with you, even though you may not recognize His presence. He accompanies you and is truly interested in what is happening in your life, even though He already knows. He wants to hear it from you, in your own words. There are times when you may feel alone, like a failure and that you will never change, but the TRUTH is that the Holy Spirit lives inside you and gives you strength and determination to grow and change into who God made you to be. He is your comforter, counselor, helper, intercessor and strengthener. He is willing to do so much for you, but you have to invite Him into your heart, to stay, just as the 2 disciples on the road to Emmaus did. He is always with you. You are never alone on this journey to heaven!
O Holy Spirit, soul of my soul, I adore you. Enlighten, guide, strengthen and console me. Tell me what I ought to do and command me to do it. I promise to submit to everything that you ask of me and to accept all that you allow to happen to me. Just show me what is your will. AMEN ~Cardinal Mercier

Do you remember your Confirmation? This is our daughter, Reghan, being anointed and sealed with the Holy Spirit by our Bishop Austin Anthony Vetter. Our son, Reece, is her sponsor. In the spirit of Confirmation and tuning in to the Holy Spirit, take a moment to remember your own Confirmation and ask your saint to pray for you! Reclaim the gifts you were given on that day and be not afraid to use them: Wisdom: to value the things of God Understanding:to grasp faith's mysteries Counsel: to make wise decisions Fortitude: to strengthen your will Knowledge:to enlighten your mind Fear of the Lord:to respect God's majesty Piety: to love and serve God
I am still getting whiffs of the unmistakable smell of chrism oil and loving it! I don't want the smell to go away, so I am seriously considering ordering a chrism candle and getting some lotion from Everything Catholic. (2 of our kids went to the SEEK conference in January and got some Chrism items from them...so good!) This is definitely a big hint for Mother's Day if any of my kids actually read this!
SERVICE All our kids have learned to cook and I think I can safely say most of them enjoy it. Camryn, who is 12, loves to bake and has made this easy and delicious recipe for Blonde Brownies three times in the last week. Today being the most recent so she and her sister can have a little slice for lunch tomorrow. She likes using the round 9" cake pan rather than a square baking dish because it can be cut like a pizza and she thinks the outside edges get crispier! It's like a big, thick chocolate chip cookie. Enjoy!
Guard what you have received. God the Father has marked you with his sign; Christ the Lord has confirmed you and has placed his pledge, the Spirit, in your hearts. ~St. Ambrose
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