This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice in it and be glad. ~Psalm 118:24 Happy Easter! It's the Tuesday after Easter and we are still celebrating!
The JOY of Easter and the days that follow is like none other. We are in a time of feasting and celebrating as Christ has risen from the dead! ALLELUIA!! Now that Lent and SIMPLE40 are over, I am going back to my weekly emails to keep you updated and inspired to live an Integrated Life with Christ at the center of all you do. My website will be going through some changes to make it easier to book coaching sessions and take part in workshops and courses. Stay tuned for something really beautiful!
 In some ways, Easter feels like a spiritual new year! The world is full of possibilities and wonder as the trees begin to bud and the dead, brown grass gets raked away to reveal some green underneath! Lent is like the spiritual raking of our lives to pull out all the dead, dried up parts of us that are covering up the new life and growth that God has in store for us. Don't be afraid to bag up all the dead grass and throw it away so you can thrive, bloom and grow. Click the link for an Easter Season Prayer... Check It Out
SELF  As you celebrate this week, do something that brings you joy. Whether that is baking something delicious, reading a book, laying in the grass, hiking, playing with your kids, meeting a friend for coffee. Whatever it is that makes you thrive, do that! You bring glory to God when you are joyful! Click the link for some inspiring Easter music put together by Heather Khym from the Abiding Together Podcast.
 Check It Out
SERVICE  I made this recipe on Easter Sunday and it was the best Lemon Bundt Cake I have ever made. There was only a small sliver left by Monday morning. I made a different icing because I did not plan enough sour cream. My makeshift icing was 2 T. melted butter, 1/3 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice, 1-1/2 cups powdered sugar. We poked a few holes in the cake before icing it. So good! A perfect Easter and Springtime dessert. Making good, nourishing food for my family brings me joy (most of the time)!
 Check It Out
"When love of God and desire for Him have taken full possession of a soul, there is no longer room in it for other loves, other desires, other preoccupations. All its movements are directed to God, and through all things the soul does nothing but seek God alone." ~Fr. Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O.C.D.
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