Quick side-note: I am trying a little different format today. Let me know if you like it!
The Obedience of Christ Jesus Christ is our model of true, loving obedience. Through obedience to His Father, He lived a life of simplicity and gave up His life for our salvation. There is power in these words of Christ: "For I have come down from heaven,
not to do my own will,
but the will of Him who sent me..."
~John 6:38 We can see here that Christ willingly renounces His own will to do the will of His Father. He makes clear several times in scripture that He is not being coerced, rather He is teaching us that the greatest gift is the gift of our very selves through obedience. Done with a pure intention this is perfect freedom, perfect charity and perfect simplicity. "No one takes (my life) from me,
but I lay it down of my own accord."~John 10-18

As followers of Christ, we are called to imitate Christ's virtues, most importantly, obedience. Take a look at the current season of life you are in and think about how you can be successful in living a life of Christ-like obedience. What does it look like for you? (I will tell you that it has nothing to do with how many kids you have, whether or not you work outside the home, or if you make your own bread or not!)
Your path is unique and different from anyone else's because you have a unique design and call for your life. It is actually really simple. God desires for you to lean in and live this call boldly, as only you can. When you do this in cooperation with Him, you will find peace, joy and fulfillment. It is not easy, but it is true and good for you.
That is how you be obedient.
Obeying God will always lead to a simpler life. He gave us the Ten Commandments because He loves us and wants us to spend eternity with Him in heaven.
Take a look at the 3rd Commandment: Remember to keep Holy the Sabbath. Did you know that the word Sabbath literally means "to stop"? God has given us a day to stop working, stop shopping, stop hustling, stop worrying. Look back on your Sunday, just 2 days ago. Did you treat it as a day of rest and stop doing "all the things"? Or was it a catch up day to get all the leftover things done that were hanging over your head? Now is a good time to start thinking about and anticipating this next Sunday, February 25th, and how you are going to incorporate what it truly means to Sabbath well. Let's be obedient to that 3rd Commandment!
What are you listening to? Give your brain a little TLC and listen this beautiful Ukranian Lenten Hymn. I shared this last year and you all loved it, so I'm sharing it again. I have had it on repeat as I have been working on this message for you! Just click below:
Are you committing little infractions that seem like "no big deal"? Things like not obeying the speed limit (especially going over it), leaving things unfinished for someone else to do, wasting time at home or work, procrastinating, taking advantage of "the system" because everyone else does. These little disobediences which might seem to make things easier actually never end up helping. They unnecessarily complicate your life and set an inconsistent example to those around us. Take a look at your choices in one of these areas and choose to be obedient to the rules, the traffic laws, etc. You can even extend the "Monday Rule" (introduced yesterday) to Tuesday and start your day with just ONE task in mind to bring to completion. Whatever you do, do it well.
today's recipe
Carrot Salsa
It's Taco Tuesday and this Carrot Salsa is addictive with tortilla chips or on your taco, or even as your taco filling (just add some black beans)! This is a family favorite that usually leaves no leftovers.
1 lb carrots, grated
1/2 cup red onion, diced
1 bell pepper, chopped (choose your color - red, yellow, orange, green)
1/2 cup cilantro, chopped
1/3 cup lime juice, fresh
1 jalapeno, finely chopped
1 tsp. sea salt
1/2 tsp. cumin
1/2 tsp. garlic powder
1/4 tsp. cayenne (optional for added heat)
1/4 tsp. smoked paprika (optional for added smokiness)
Simply combine all ingredients and adjust seasonings to taste.
PS...If you happen to have some Trader Joe's Chili Lime seasoning, throw some in! So good!
Thank you so much for following along on this Lenten journey. Please share if you know anyone who would like to join in!
