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SIMPLE40 - DAY 36 - Honest Humility

Katie Donahue

Tuesday of Holy Week

Humility and simplicity are closely related virtues that complement each other and are essential for your personal and spiritual growth.


As was introduced yesterday, humility is the virtue of recognizing your limitations and acknowledging that everything you have and are is a gift from God. It involves putting yourself in proper perspective, neither overestimating nor underestimating your abilities or worth. Humility helps you to be more open to God's grace and to see the goodness in others. When you practice humility and simplicity together, you are able to develop a deeper appreciation for the blessings that God has given you and a greater awareness of your responsibility to use those blessings to serve others. You are also able to avoid the traps of pride and selfishness that can hinder your spiritual growth.


Jesus provides a powerful model for living a life of honest humility and simplicity. Jesus, who is both fully God and fully human, lived a life of humility, even to the point of accepting a humiliating death on the cross. He also lived a life of simplicity, rejecting the temptations of materialism and worldly power that were offered to him.


By practicing these virtues and imitating Christ, we can deepen our relationship with God and become more loving and compassionate towards others.


Do you wish to rise?

Begin by descending.

You plan a tower that will pierce the clouds?

Lay first the foundation of humility.

~St. Augustine


spiritual Let's learn from the saints and how they lived honest humility...especially during this Holy Week.


Humility is simply saying the truth about who and whose you are...Enjoy this short video from Fr. Mike (4 minutes long).

Click and print this Litany of Humility to keep it handy:



When someone offers you a complement, what is your gut reaction? Do you tend to discount it, playing it off? Or, do you accept it and say, "Thank you?"


When you receive a heartfelt compliment, it is best to accept it, not just for your own sake but for the sake of the other person giving the complement. It is actually a form of pride to deflect someone's acknowledgement of your gifts. For example, if you are a baker and someone compliments your amazing dinner rolls, say, “Thank you.” To say, “It is nothing,” not only minimizes your own worth, but, unexpectedly, the other person may feel devalued as well.


Thankfully, we all have different giftings and it is good to acknowledge them in each other., thank God for something you are NOT good at!


(You can teach your kids this form of humility by role-playing and providing them with a positive scripts to respond with when they are complemented.)


He must increase,

but I must decrease.

~John 3:30



Did you know that Catholic tradition sets aside the first 3 days after Palm Sunday for thorough and meticulous house cleaning? This is a preparation for the feast to come on Easter Sunday. Here are some things to consider doing to clean and prepare:

-Deep clean the kitchen sink and counters

-Sweep, mop and vacuum the floors

-Clean the windows and doors

-Dust the shelves, tables, nooks and crannies

-Clean the bathrooms

-Clean out the refrigerator

Now, get to it!



It's Taco Tuesday! Today I'm sharing our favorite Spanish Rice recipe that comes together so quickly in the Instant Pot. It is great as a side or part of the filling for a loaded burrito!


 2 T avocado oil

1 whole sweet onion, chopped

4 cloves garlic, minced

2 cups long grain white rice

3 cups veg or chicken broth

1 cup tomato sauce

1 can diced green chiles (small can)

2 tsp salt

1 tsp cumin

1 tsp Emeril's southwest seasoning or taco seasoning

1⁄4 tsp cayenne pepper(optional)



Heat oil in instant pot on "sauce". Add onion and garlic and saute for 3 min then add the rice and combine. Stir until rice starts to toast a bit. Add remaining ingredients and stir to combine. Put lid on pot and hit the rice setting. Or, cook on low pressure for 7 min and check for doneness.


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