Today is the Solemnity of St. Joseph, guardian & protector of the Universal Church, patron of fathers, guardians, families, couples, children, pregnant women, workers, carpenters, a happy & holy Death.
St. Joseph was a descendant of Israel's King David and a carpenter by trade. Scripture tells us that he was a just and virtuous man who was betrothed to wed the young Blessed Virgin Mary. Upon finding her pregnant with the Son of God, Joseph was encouraged by an angel to continue with the marriage plans. Because of his complete faithfulness to the will of God, St. Joseph was chosen to become the spouse of the Mother of God and the adoptive father of Jesus Christ. As the divinely-appointed earthly guardian and protector of the Holy Family, St. Joseph provided and cared for the material needs of Mary and the Child Jesus.
To learn more about St. Joseph, his spiritual fatherhood and his devotion to Mary and Jesus, I highly recommend the book "Consecration to St. Joseph", by Fr. Donald Calloway. Let us love above all, let us love Mary as our mother; but then, how could we keep from loving Joseph, who was so intimately united to both Jesus and Mary? And how can we honor him better than by imitating his virtues? Now, what else did he do in all his life but contemplate, study, and adore Jesus, even in the midst of his lairdly labors? Behold, therefore, our model. ~St. Madeleine Sophie Barat

spiritual Have you ever seen this "statue" of Sleeping St. Joseph? There is a beautiful tradition that invites you to place a handwritten prayer with your intentions under the statue as a symbol of your complete trust in his guidance and protection. I have a big list for him this year, mostly for other peoples needs, but also for conversions, and gratitude for his intercession for answered prayers.
If you don't have a statue, check out this website for a creative printable that you can fold and place your prayer intentions in.
Ask Sleeping St. Joseph for his intercession today. May he console your heart.
Prayer to the Sleeping St. Joseph
Dear St. Joseph,
Come to my aid and bless me.
Even in your sleep, accompany me in discerning where the Spirit prompts me to go,
and in doing what the Father wills me to do.
Like you, I carry the burden of daily toils on my shoulders.
I build a home where the reign of God can be all in all.
I track the road of righteousness towards the fulfillment of God's Kingdom.
Now, I beg you, as you sleep, share in my dream to become what the Father wants me to be.
And as you awake, help me persevere through self-giving and commitment to prayer.
Towards the twilight of my life, teach me how to live a "happy old age".
And as I breathe my last, hold my hand as you held Jesus' hand.
Draw me to Him, Your beloved Son, my Lord and my God.

self and service With the Solemnity of St. Joseph today, you are technically free from your Lenten obligations and sacrifices. Enjoy the day! Need a little inspiration on how to celebrate today? Check out: CATHOLIC ALL YEAR
today's recipe Did you know that in Italy, Father's Day is today, March 19th? This is definitely on purpose as a way to honor St. Joseph and his intercession for all fathers. I found out there are many food traditions for this day in Italy. So, instead of our regular Taco Tuesday, we are going to have an Italian feast!
Fava beans are also called "lucky beans" because they sustained the Sicilians through a terrible famine. Legend has it that St. Joseph interceded for the Italians during this time to bring rain that helped to salvage the crops.
Check out this recipe:
SFINGI This is a traditional Italian pastry made on March 19th in celebration of the feast of St. Joseph. The traditional filling for these cream puffs is sweetened ricotta cheese. Check out this recipe: Sfinge

Thank you for following along. Please reach out to me if you have any questions or comments. katie@integratedlife.co SIMPLE40 Share on social Check out our site  